• Sweet, Sweet Summertime Peach Blueberry Pie

    July 9, 2022Jen

    It’s summertime! With the weather getting warmer, and long days at the pool, I was getting a hankering for peach blueberry pie. Nothing says summer like pie and BBQ 🙂  Hope ya’ll are having a great summer, enjoy the recipe! Peach & Blueberry PieTotal cooking time: 1 hr 20minsServes: 5-6 Ingredients • Butter crust (if using store-bought, bring to room temp before baking) • 3-4 med sized peaches, peeled and sliced evenly • 1 pint blueberries, rinsed • 1 C flour • 1 ½ C sugar • 1 tbs nutmeg • 1 egg • Pinch of cinnamon Directions Preheat the…

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  • Simple & Delicious Coconut Blueberry Cake

    April 7, 2021Jen

    The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, & I am dreaming of going somewhere tropical and having a cabana boy serve me coconut mixed drinks. Sadly, I will have to make do with trying out fun coconut recipes and looking at pictures of white sandy beaches.  To help get me out of my getaway funk, I wanted to create a recipe that combined two of my favorite flavors – Coconut and blueberry. The tartness of the blueberries combined with the sweet, creaminess of the coconut is delicious. Serve with champagne and enjoy! I hope you enjoy this cake as…

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  • Tart & Refreshing Blueberry-Prosecco Mojito

    April 4, 2021Jen

    I love a good mojito. It is a refreshing drink, and it is just complicated enough that you feel like Tom Cruise in Cocktail. For this drink, I wanted to jazz up the classic mojito and add some prosecco to make it really killer. The result? A mojito-prosecco cocktail that was refreshing and definitely a crowd-pleaser. Be sure to make this cocktail for your next party, for your friends, or whip one up to treat yourself! Blueberry-Prosecco MojitoTotal Time: 5 minsServes: 4 Ingredients: 6 sprigs of mint * 1 tbs sugar ¼ c blueberries + more to garnish 7-8 oz…

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